Phone: 203 2868973

About Zack

From farm life in the Dominican Republic to a thriving barbershop business in Connecticut, my journey has been guided by a passion for the art of barbering and a commitment to creating opportunities for others. Initially learning the trade from my father on the family farm, I transitioned to charging for haircuts when I moved to the city at age 20. Seeking better opportunities, I moved to Puerto Rico and later to America, where I founded an apprenticeship program for aspiring barbers, breaking down financial barriers for those with a dream but limited resources.

Studying at the American Beauty Academy in Maryland not only honed my business skills but also marked a turning point where I could offer mentorship to others. As the manager of a prestigious salon, I managed a team and gained invaluable experience. However, driven by the desire to create my own space, I opened my first barbershop in Norwalk in 2011, with a second following in 2012. My commitment to diversity, flexible hours, and a customer-centric approach has defined the ethos of my shops. Today, I take pride in the success of my barbershops and the apprenticeship program, knowing that I've played a role in helping others support their families.

In my shops, we embrace a forward-thinking, customer-friendly atmosphere, open seven days a week with flexible hours to cater to our community's needs. I believe in the power of teamwork and respect, fostering an environment where everyone contributes and shares knowledge. Promoting a positive experience, I've always relied on word of mouth, and my motto remains: I walk through life with an open heart and open hands. Join us at "our" shop, where you'll undoubtedly feel the difference.

As recognized by Darnell D. Crosland, Zack's lawyer and NAACP President for the Norwalk Branch, our commitment extends beyond the shop. Together, we've championed bills to bring unlicensed barbers into compliance, ensuring a safe and regulated environment for everyone in Connecticut. This journey is not just about making an honest living; it's about making an honest and impactful difference in the lives of those we touch.

Sponsoring Our Community

Courses and workshops


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1. In a group

Format: Theory and practice

Modules: Classic and modern trimming techniques; Shaving and shaving; Communication

Duration: 25 days, 3 hours a day

Price: 1000$

2. In person

Format: Theory and practice

Modules: Classic and modern trimming techniques; Shaving and shaving; Communication

Duration: depending on student availability

Price: 1100$

3. Accreditation

Format: Theory and practice

Price: 800$


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1. Workshop - Long haircut techniques

In this seminar you will learn hair sectioning techniques to have control over length as well as shape.

Duration: 3 days, 2 hours a day

Price: 2000$

2. Workshop - principles of fade

In this course you will learn all kinds of fades, using the most popular and safest techniques.

Duration: 3 days, 2 hours a day

Price: 2000$

3. Modern Workshop - haircuts, hair styling and hair design

Throughout this course you will unlock the imagination that allows total freedom of creativity by combining shapes.

Duration: 3 days, 2 hours a day

Price: 2000$

Why become a barber?

What do you learn from us?



Barber trained in the UK, extremely agile and efficient.


Barber raised in our academy, with 3+ years experience.

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